Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza
Venezuela's people live in permanent anxiety that produces a president that every time you move through different areas of the republic motivates citizens a troubling question that can affect a neighbor, friend, family member "who expropriated this time?" . Action dramatically affects those who constitute the meaning of the word has become for the scheme in the goose that lays golden eggs. The people, in honor of this word is expropriated, the imprisoned, persecuted, humiliated, offended, it mansilla.
The dictator in his vulgar and cheap states that everything is done by''the people''is taking these people to live in a hell in the rules and where according to him, to live better. Venezuela was right and wrong with a country head toward a potential development. Outdated ideas of statelessness have highlighted once again the overwhelming evidence and pathetic, as become a country where communism is installed, the political system represents an effective recipe for failure, delay and destruction of society. There may be another result when actors who implement it are full of gaps, resentments and delusions of grandeur who insist on ignoring history, which is written the fate of the monstrosities that have destroyed my future and dreams of a country and its inhabitants.
Venezuelan dictator once again put into practice what he once meant a flop which revealed their cowardice fiber, has executed a coup from the state in seeking to repeal the Constitution to dismantle the authority of This action democratic institutions trying to consummate what he could do with the presidential family who lived in the presidential residence La Casona''''in 1992. Compulsive approval by the National Assembly of all unconstitutional laws faithful copies of the legislation intended to assassinate Cuban democracy in Venezuela.
The fight for the country should be from now on everyone's struggle day of every student, every farmer, every teacher, every mother, every informal trader, every employer, every friend, every brother, every homeowner or apartment owner in trade because there is a Venezuelan who has not been affected by the consequences of the ineptitude of this outlaw regime.
Venezuela should have become a country where the decision of the President Lieutenant Colonel quickly enacted laws that gag, controls the media and social networks, a country where the state appropriates the rights, freedoms and autonomy of college senior centers, a country where the index finger Lt. Col. President's judge and executioner owner of property of others, a country that responds to force students to demand their rights, a country that disrespects the will of the people,''expressed''in the polls. The regime's intentions are quite clear, Venezuela impose a dictatorship.
countries living in a democracy, international agencies have a responsibility and duty to turn his gaze to where a madman thirsty for power, violates the fundamental rights of millions of Venezuelans. The interests of the states do not represent the interests of these state companies, countries and agencies must understand that their interests and agreements will be signed is fully respected when treated with the authorities that govern a democratic country and not when dealing with a dictator who exercises power in a country that seeks to impose a dictatorship.
Today more than ever it is imperative UNION''fight''in the permanent and continuous in all sectors of the country that respects the Constitution, the rescue of democracy and respect for freedom of thought of Venezuelans.
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