- Antonio Semprun -
Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira
dictatorship in Venezuela to advance step by step while democracy back on track. Lt. Col. President asked the National Assembly composed of Members who like tendrils hanging''the dictator's private parts obey without question''the enactment of a set of laws framed increasingly in a state whose Venezuela authorities have a margin or behavior contrary to the international community call validly breach the international conventions signed and outstanding and flout the decisions of international bodies responsible for ensuring international peace in an outlaw state.
Among the laws applied for the dictator ordered for the fourth time pass an enabling law, legal instrument that enables him to issue decrees with Rank, Value and Force of Law for 18 months. A law that enables who for eleven years enabled to make Venezuela a disgrace to the country where the people live every day the consequences of mental alienated that mocks the people at home. In a recent conversation with one of his jesters, Vice President Elias Jaua taunted about the weather which could provide an enabling law. The responses were accompanied by laughter six months, eighteen months, four years or even twenty years.
eleven years in Venezuela is not legislation for the Venezuelan state, legislating for a stateless person who continues to take steps to consolidate its grotesque project while the political opposition represented in the Bureau of the Unit (MUD) lets out at very low decibel his cry of rebellion, the solution is sprayed magic that led them to occupy a seat in the National Assembly''The Unit''is sprayed because political savvy, others are not so bent on ignoring the strength of a people confused but determined to fight for the future of their children and the rescue of democracy. Venezuelan people have turned into a circus elephant, a noble animal that has enormous strength which, however, feels bound, dominated by a string fastened to a stake buried weak, you would simply decide to release and use a small portion of their strength to be free.
Venezuelan dictator should feel scared quiet before such passivity that made progress, passivity that has been helpful every time it has launched a trial balloon to assess the reaction of the noble people in chains and only heard screams of silence skirmishes of protest, spasmodic reactions and visits to international organizations Chinese vases that are silent to the aberrant actions taken against the country and the Venezuelans. The analysis of the dictator is still a constant''I agreed, they resigned, and the usual suspects will give a few shouts but will not go away. So winners proceed to step to consolidate the revolution.''
The noble people of Venezuela is not only being humiliated and trampled by a coward surrounded by an accomplice, is being ignored by those who have a duty to awaken to the enormous force that has put an end to the tyranny that has undergone, is being ignored by those who have the responsibility not to allow to win Venezuelans fear that will turn into zombies and let them steal the country. With the approval of this body of law in Venezuela is falling SantamarĂa democracy.
Dictators, anarchy, communism only remain when villagers permit. History is a mirror shop where you can copy the examples that will restore the respect, the future and freedom.
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