Monday, January 31, 2011

Miley Cyrus In Paris Belly Free

happy ending in Vive Latino Charly Charly

was presented to him the full lineup Vive Latino 2011, and although there were not many surprises as previously announced, if it is marked by the inclusion of Nortec Bostich + Fussible featuring ...
The festival will take place from 8 to April 10, spanning the weekend. The most anticipated Vive Latino this year is the comeback of Caifanes, who will make his presentation on Saturday April 9.
Friday highlights the participation of Carlos Ann, Charly Garcia, Fobia, Los de Abajo, No Te Va a Gustar, and Sepultura, besides those already mentioned Nortec Collective Presents: Bostich + Fussible, who took this event as part of promotion their newest album, Boulevard 2000 tour began in the Black Box of Sixth Street on 4 March. Closing, on Sunday, will Adanowsky, Azul Violeta, Babasonicos, La Barranca, Los Daniels and The Chemical Brothers.

For those who want to go, tickets are sold

ticketmaster. Otherwise, it is expected that, as every year, Telehit transmit it live to the whole republic. For more information, visit WWW.VIVELATINO.COM.MX

Source: Copying

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Free Dragon Ball Free Dragon Ball Doujin

A Terrorist Has Kidnapped In Venezuela

A country will never lose its freedom because its citizens were wrong to choose a false prophet. A country will lose its freedom when its citizens allow the false prophet who chose to deceive, humiliate and disrespect.
- Antonio Semprun -

Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira

The most recent demonstration of irrationality and ignorance of Venezuelan dictator left to see on Wednesday when the national chain after hearing complaints that a group of people who were present at the ceremony expressed their dissatisfaction with the Provincial Bank for having denied a mortgage, was thereupon call the president of BBVA Banco Provincial and front of the cameras on national television threatened to take possession of the bank.

The dictator left to see his infinite arrogance and a display of power when he told the president of the bank''Pay attention to these people, if you do not have time or can not, then tell me how much it is worth bank. I, I buy the bank.'' His delusion for power makes him forget that it is an official for the state and not the state and what it represents is at your service. Making unwise decisions that are not as paramount interest of the collective needs because in Venezuela for twelve years conjugated only in person. Hand me the bank. I what I can expropriate. I'll buy it. I have no problem'', as it owned winery that poorly managed and decide on money for Venezuelans.

The spontaneous neighborhood bully's bravado does not allow you to analyze that the nationalization of BBVA Provincial whose market share is 12 percent and its share capital owned by 40 percent to English BBVA, locates as the third of the country and the second private equity so irresponsible comment that would cost the already depressed national budget an expenditure of $ 1,200 million. Provincial Bank is an entity bank with more than fifty years of experience that has provided loans to their own resources to Venezuelan families were able to get their homes, not exactly role of banking institutions, solving the housing needs of the population

as usual wants to delegate to others the responsibility that has produced the monumental ineptitude and inability of the regime not to give access to housing for the Venezuelan population that is currently undergoing a severe housing crisis. Such statements made on national television, far from contributing to a solution used to discourage and scare off investment in the country. The dictator wants using terrorism as a form of government,''because terrorism is the violent form of political struggle that seeks to destroy the established order or cause terror in a population with a specific purpose,''is that in order that seeks to create confusion and terror in the population.

Venezuela has lived for the last twelve years, the worst nightmare of contemporary life, the false prophet to consent and irresponsibly maneuvered to impoverish the country to put you in misery, to make Venezuelans dependent his outlaw regime, hundreds of Venezuelans today are part of the statistics of illegal immigrants in different countries of the world fleeing from its policy of insecurity, persecution and terror.

The stateless handed the country to foreign governments, committed to the future generations of Venezuelans, to negotiate the nature reserves of the country, given Russian capitalism to land in Venezuela to establish joint ventures that will manage more than half of the banana plantations in Venezuela, with the sole purpose of staying in power.

the Venezuelan people has played live with the enemy, an enemy that believes Goliath mocked, disrespected and humiliated by a David who insists to know they have the strength to shed the yoke imposed on it for twelve years.

Arab world's peoples have decided to end the hegemony of the dictators have taken to the streets of Egypt and Tunisia to enforce their rights as free individuals are free to choose their own destinies, are becoming more examples that give us the peoples oppressed by tyrants who make it known to the world with their actions and decisions that an individual can not become master of the lives and dreams of the citizens of a country.

Friday, January 28, 2011

How Many Air Force Eod Airmen Are There

García composes, sings, and now analyzes the media



sensitive but uncontrolled, author of musical milestones and
undisputed reference for many, proved a more deadly. Behind his famed career

, rocker made a strange confession: zapping ago and is engaged with the programs of

gossip, which he It analyzes, reach a level of "bizarre tremendous." "Sometimes I zapping", the musician gets candid in an interview to the magazine
People . "Grab gossip programs that reached a tremendous level of bizarre.

All say the same thing: 'I have codes, you do not. " I would like

know what the codes


surprise of many, the analysis does not end there. "The code is not code. The codes are for the mobsters. And good of somehow are mobsters. The other hose with-insists-theme is 'Respect for me,' "fire.

With humor that characterizes it, the former Sui Generis decides to end his chair on national television and talk back to those figures that self proclaimed artists: "If they are artists, I would say that I am Picasso. " Source: One Minute

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Do You Say Baby Shower In Hungarian

Power Memory and Tales of a Communist Dictator

should be wary of anyone who has a tough character because it is the enemy of peace and tranquility. - Antonio Semprun-

Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira

delivered to the country's recent memory of Lieutenant Colonel and has''President''became the delivery of what came memory and stories of a dictator who clearly lives for his personal success and to destroy not only Venezuela but the tranquility and peace of families on the continent. Even the pet (Hughie) Colombian soap opera features two sisters, one named Venezuela and Colombia was another space in the presentation of management where again the hyena dressed lamb.

The act that was accountable to the country sob re the use and destination of millions of dollars collected in 2010 on account of oil revenues chose to look like Pilate, washed his hands because according to him, he is not responsible for anything that happens in the country. In this act it corresponded to talk about what is truly important to the country, should report the reasons for which were carried out legal action against CITGO and property in the territory of the United States and also on the amount that the Venezuelan state millionaire should pay Cemex for breach of contracts previously approved by national authorities. Lieutenant Colonel''President''returned to his days as a cadet, criticized the opposition MPs for their serious and told how it translated to your new best friend a message to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

spoke again on the theory that the opposition and Chavez are unreconciled because there are interests outside the country which suits their enmity, in that it fits right because the Chavez in which he is the most representative has sole interest plunge Venezuela into a dictatorship while the best interests of the opposition must be to salvage democracy. He said he had no problem to deliver the Enabling Act that the subjects of the outgoing National Assembly gave him on a silver platter but this would make the first of May to have to pass that one hundred and three days is enough time to enact the necessary laws serve him with tailor made to remain in power, taking into account that in a fortnight the members of the defunct National Assembly granted him an Enabling Law and enacted a package of more than fifteen laws.

What's in the mind of the dictator when he calls to the settlement but did not immediately surrender the Enabling Law, spoke of reconciliation when the country's prisons remain detained Venezuelan (political prisoners) for the sole reason to think differently when the regime fails to respect the immunity of deputies elected , when the will expressed at the polls by the people I do not care. Little did the call to reconciliation when the last Thursday in radio and television chain to address the opposition legislators who asked to return Enabling Act in the immediate and not a few months as it raised during the presentation of its report said management''lack a little humility. Go and wash the avocado.''

who usurped the presidency of the country publicly insita Venezuelans to commit a crime, they find houses''orders''to accelerate housing construction. ''We're going for them that expropriate''Chavez said. For that wants to keep possession of the Enabling Act, these are the emergencies you want to deal with this law, intended to solve the housing problem became chronic in the last twelve years because of his irresponsibility and ineptitude, use the blank check that gave the former National Assembly for violating the constitutional rights of the Venezuelan expropriation of property Private.

The dictator was forced to withdraw in the implementation of some laws that would have unimaginable consequences protests meant to stay in power, looked in the mirror Tunezine autocrat Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, that is to be the reason I called conciliation and dialogue. Prefer to know why the quiet village of his immense power when he decided to march in defense of freedom, strangely is the people themselves and representatives of the opposition who are still unaware of that power.

Venezuela is living under a dictatorship. The power is concentrated by an individual who routinely violates the Constitution, an individual who clearly has ties to terrorist movements such as ETA and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) who gives them support in their insane project grip on power has created links with Iran, Syria, Belarus, Russia, China. The Venezuelan leader poses a serious threat to the region, the international community and multilateral agencies will not see the bomb that will explode before his eyes if you keep ignoring a dangerous madman with power and friends.

The Venezuelan autocrat should no longer be seen only as a concern for the stability and the democracies of the continent must what is seen as a real threat. With the Enabling Law, holds absolute power in Venezuela and others still are responsible for 150,000 deaths in the country, thousands of victims caused by rainfall, the scarcity of food and medicine are the responsibility of the United States, rationing Electrical energy is the responsibility of the Fourth Republic.

has used the power to dismantle the country's democratic institutions because it is not accountable to anyone and no-one calls for fear of losing the grace of the dictator. Not only disrespects the Constitution of Venezuela, will 52% of Venezuelans, cavalierly disregards the shared values \u200b\u200benshrined in the Inter-American Democratic Charter (OAS). A country where there is no separation of powers, which give protection and shelter to shelter terrorist organizations and drug traffickers, a country that is forging ties with countries that sponsor terrorism. It is a country outside the national and international laws, is a country that introduced a dictatorship with a façade of democracy that represents a potential danger to the peace of an entire continent.

While the international community and international organizations as they care most affected relations with the neighbors if they act against a regime totalitarian democracy destroys a country, as they endeavor to look to the opposite side of where a country that flagrantly violate human rights of its citizens, if the precepts and principles which should govern its proceedings before so arbitrary, rape and disrespect become a dead letter written only by idealism and romanticism to be applied to convenience, then the world every day is a more insecure place where citizens of many countries live under and humiliated by power-hungry dictators acting under the complicity of those who failed to exercise its responsibilities.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Comment Utiliser Virtual Surgery Plastic


January 23 met 53 years outside the town of Venezuela to the streets to demand the end of a dictatorship that violated the most elementary rights of Venezuelans, the decisive action of a people tired of abuses and violations made the dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez was forced to leave the country with one of his colleagues to make way for the birth of a new system of government which respects the rights of citizens.
Another dictator wants to go back to Venezuela to the fifties again imposing a totalitarian system. Today the dictator but the reason is another of those historic events of January 23, 1958 is the same, the people Venezuela will once again respect their legitimate right to be free and masters of their destiny. Let us go to every place, every corner, every street in Venezuela and the world to demand respect for democracy in Venezuela, backwardness and dictatorships only bring misery to the people while the perpetrators live in opulence.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How Long Is Cake Mate Icing Good For

Venezuela between the barbarism of a Tyrant and Peace

The thief steals his victim once it takes advantage of his trust and steals a second time when the victim is permitted.
- Antonio Semprun -

Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira

need not be a scholar, magician or soothsayer to know with certainty to where the son of _ _ is leading many parents to Venezuela in a head where they live Marx , Lenin, Mao, Fidel, Che, the problem is not an ideology, the major problem is the interpreter. The Venezuelan dictator is determined to turn Venezuela into a poor and backward country ironically exceeded only by Cuba's Fidel. A country in which the nerve centers of power where decisions must be taken to generate guidelines that head toward the development and progress are being held hostage by coup criminals and guerrillas failed is a country for the most resounding failure.

But it happens that in this country that is governed by a failed coup and now a rebel murderer of soldiers and peasants at all costs Venezuelans who impose their will in order to camouflage their failure and cowardice, is also home to millions of people who do not deserve being humiliated, disrespected and mocked the immense majority of Venezuelans are individually more valuable, more talented and smarter than the thugs who kidnap for now in power in Venezuela. The rebels, the guerrillas to exercise the power of how savage and brutal bear to have carte blanche with which they can decide the future of the country and its citizens.

The only reason why the gang of rebels, guerrillas and thieves remain in power is because the vast majority of Venezuelans talented, intelligent and valuable are respectful of democratic norms and that would be successful when dealing with authorities to respect the rules of the game, but when those in power do so in an arbitrary and inhumane civility shown by citizens can be converted into submission.

The Stateless said the opposition had begun to bark, the Venezuelans came time not bark like a dog does that delivers the country, I came time to shout loudly and very high on every street, every corner will not be allowed the imposition of a predatory regime that we slowly being crushed.

If you do not scream loudly as high as their throats so that Venezuela can scream loud echo becomes demanding the right to live in freedom, demanding the right not to live in a dictatorship we accept that we deserve what we have today, every Venezuelan itself implies a spirit of freedom that allows you to overcome oppression, the sum of millions of Venezuelans have the strength to defeat the tyrant.

dictators do what they say and fulfill their threats is why the dictator should believe and act accordingly. Hitler in a speech said''I'll disappear to the Jews of Europe,''he almost succeeded had it not been for the painful struggle and immense sacrifice of this noble people.

Venezuelan dictator lives in his personal triumph, and insists on changing the living together in harmony,
peace and progress of hatred, confrontation and delay, the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (CEP), said concern for''the adoption of a package of laws intended to install a totalitarian regime in the country and urged Venezuelans to peacefully fight to defend their rights.'' NOT INTENDED Venezuelan dictator, he is imposing a totalitarian regime to ignore the will of the people openly expressed last September 26, 2010.

power partition serves to hide the cowardice of those who hid in a military museum, whose heroic as he did in his days of active guerrilla was to escape while awaiting the moment to attack by Venezuelan military back to cut genitals and put them in their mouths or cutting the throat and tongue them out there as a way of tie, the manure is now making policy decisions in Venezuela these are the men whom we trust mismanagement.

Venezuelan dictator will continue to abuse and disrespect for the rights of citizens until we allow Venezuelans. What would a mother's reaction to the stranger who slaps her child, what would the reaction of one individual to another that spits in the face, what would the reaction of a child with a prostitute who calls his mother, what would reaction a humble winery to which a thief steals the money of the day.

A guy is stealing the future is slapping, spitting in the face of twenty millions of Venezuelans.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

U.s. Army Cavalry Ceremonial Hat

Chavez leads Venezuela to the Bankruptcy

The Ambition and the Dictator Ignorance lead a country to Homelessness - Antonio Semprun -

Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira

The oceanic ignorance, irresponsibility manifested Venezuelan Dictator him to ignore the responsibility of Venezuela as a country in the comity of nations with which it has signed international agreements. The international environment can not be operated as a grocery store in town and has so far managed the Venezuelan state institutions. Venezuela is part of the World Trade Organization which makes it susceptible to international demands for breach of contracts or implementation of illegal actions that affect the interests of member countries of the organization.

The World Bank's international court, ruled in favor of the expropriation of Cemex cement plants in Venezuela. In 2008 the FAN took control of three of Cemex cement plants (And other assets of the Mexican company) derived from a decree of expropriation as well as the Mexican also affected the two largest cement companies in the world: France's Lafarge and Switzerland's Holcim. Cemex seeks to dispute that return control of the company expropriated or payment for the expropriated assets, updated amount from the takeover to date with a total clearance rate of at least Libor (in 2008, some Mexican analysts estimated that the assets of Cemex in Venezuela were worth 1.400 million dollars). In addition, Venezuela will pay all costs associated with arbitration, including legal fees Cemex Caracas, experts' costs, administrative fees, fees and expenses of the arbitral tribunal.

Venezuela lost the lawsuit filed against him by some investors who had refused the scheme since 2005, to pay bond debt Bandagro therefore must pay eight billion dollars in Failure to do so, Venezuela will face confiscation of their property in U.S. territory. The Venezuelan dictator and his regime refused to make payment of the bonds, despite the certification and assurances from the Venezuelan treasury and as the money is not THE, invested over 40 million dollars, hired five law firms that have been fighting in U.S. courts over the past four years. The investor group's lawyer, David Richards, expects a formal order in the next few weeks to initiate asset forfeiture actions of Venezuela in the U.S. Including the Citgo gasoline stations, three refineries in the Gulf Coast and a fleet of tankers docked in Houston.

Venezuelan dictator bleeds Venezuela, has mortgaged irresponsibly while the countries of the region ended 2010 with inflation rates below 10%. Venezuela closes with an inflation rate of 29% and like nothing is happening in the country because of their ignorance and ineptitude, responsible for this inflation Fedecámaras, forget the stateless person is not Fedecámaras who has taken over all branches in the country. Lieutenant Colonel
has destroyed the country, has becoming a graveyard of companies in a graveyard of talent has led companies to have to move to other places where they are offered fiscal security, has made brilliant Venezuelan migrate to other countries in search of future. Runs the country like a drunk behind the wheel of a vehicle traveling at full speed, the result of this irresponsible action will crash into an embankment where the vehicle is destroyed, that vehicle is Venezuela. The decisions taken at international level against Venezuela by the actions of an inept negotiator will affect him or his regime dramatically affect the future of the country, the sovereign be not free us from responsibility. The blame for this tragic situation will not only be of a blind drunk with power, but of those who gave the club the servile members of the defunct National Assembly. Recently

student dictator president of Bolivia was forced to rescind a decree that increased the price of fuel up to 82% after the wave of protests and the threat of protests across the country. Recently, another member of the clan also was forced to rescind the increase of Value Added Tax (VAT), the same as one day before in his Sunday said he did not know how many points would increase. Decided not to implement the application of the Universities Act which eliminated the autonomy of them. These setbacks are due only to the specific action of people not allowed to violate his rights - MORE PROOF OF THE POWER OF CITIZENS TO DECIDE WHEN THE RESPECT, LET SEE THESE THINGS COWARDICE FIBER OF DICTATORS BY THE FEAR OF LOSING THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES THE BRAVE,''THE PODER''.

The recipe is clear and EFFECTIVE is repeated again and again. It is up to the officers of the Unit (MUD) using the appropriate eye drops to combat myopia of history that will not let them see the road, driving back dictators whenever they wish to impose a measure affecting that interest people are determined to defend. In this case the interest VENEZUELA SUBLIME, the Venezuelan people should not be afraid to bring it as a coup, stateless, skinny or if his action pitiyanqui decide to remove a cancer that is killing us.