should be wary of anyone who has a tough character because it is the enemy of peace and tranquility. - Antonio Semprun-
Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira
delivered to the country's recent memory of Lieutenant Colonel and has''President''became the delivery of what came memory and stories of a dictator who clearly lives for his personal success and to destroy not only Venezuela but the tranquility and peace of families on the continent. Even the pet (Hughie) Colombian soap opera features two sisters, one named Venezuela and Colombia was another space in the presentation of management where again the hyena dressed lamb.
The act that was accountable to the country sob re the use and destination of millions of dollars collected in 2010 on account of oil revenues chose to look like Pilate, washed his hands because according to him, he is not responsible for anything that happens in the country. In this act it corresponded to talk about what is truly important to the country, should report the reasons for which were carried out legal action against CITGO and property in the territory of the United States and also on the amount that the Venezuelan state millionaire should pay Cemex for breach of contracts previously approved by national authorities. Lieutenant Colonel''President''returned to his days as a cadet, criticized the opposition MPs for their serious and told how it translated to your new best friend a message to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
spoke again on the theory that the opposition and Chavez are unreconciled because there are interests outside the country which suits their enmity, in that it fits right because the Chavez in which he is the most representative has sole interest plunge Venezuela into a dictatorship while the best interests of the opposition must be to salvage democracy. He said he had no problem to deliver the Enabling Act that the subjects of the outgoing National Assembly gave him on a silver platter but this would make the first of May to have to pass that one hundred and three days is enough time to enact the necessary laws serve him with tailor made to remain in power, taking into account that in a fortnight the members of the defunct National Assembly granted him an Enabling Law and enacted a package of more than fifteen laws.
What's in the mind of the dictator when he calls to the settlement but did not immediately surrender the Enabling Law, spoke of reconciliation when the country's prisons remain detained Venezuelan (political prisoners) for the sole reason to think differently when the regime fails to respect the immunity of deputies elected , when the will expressed at the polls by the people I do not care. Little did the call to reconciliation when the last Thursday in radio and television chain to address the opposition legislators who asked to return Enabling Act in the immediate and not a few months as it raised during the presentation of its report said management''lack a little humility. Go and wash the avocado.''
who usurped the presidency of the country publicly insita Venezuelans to commit a crime, they find houses''orders''to accelerate housing construction. ''We're going for them that expropriate''Chavez said. For that wants to keep possession of the Enabling Act, these are the emergencies you want to deal with this law, intended to solve the housing problem became chronic in the last twelve years because of his irresponsibility and ineptitude, use the blank check that gave the former National Assembly for violating the constitutional rights of the Venezuelan expropriation of property Private.
The dictator was forced to withdraw in the implementation of some laws that would have unimaginable consequences protests meant to stay in power, looked in the mirror Tunezine autocrat Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, that is to be the reason I called conciliation and dialogue. Prefer to know why the quiet village of his immense power when he decided to march in defense of freedom, strangely is the people themselves and representatives of the opposition who are still unaware of that power.
Venezuela is living under a dictatorship. The power is concentrated by an individual who routinely violates the Constitution, an individual who clearly has ties to terrorist movements such as ETA and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) who gives them support in their insane project grip on power has created links with Iran, Syria, Belarus, Russia, China. The Venezuelan leader poses a serious threat to the region, the international community and multilateral agencies will not see the bomb that will explode before his eyes if you keep ignoring a dangerous madman with power and friends.
The Venezuelan autocrat should no longer be seen only as a concern for the stability and the democracies of the continent must what is seen as a real threat. With the Enabling Law, holds absolute power in Venezuela and others still are responsible for 150,000 deaths in the country, thousands of victims caused by rainfall, the scarcity of food and medicine are the responsibility of the United States, rationing Electrical energy is the responsibility of the Fourth Republic.
has used the power to dismantle the country's democratic institutions because it is not accountable to anyone and no-one calls for fear of losing the grace of the dictator. Not only disrespects the Constitution of Venezuela, will 52% of Venezuelans, cavalierly disregards the shared values \u200b\u200benshrined in the Inter-American Democratic Charter (OAS). A country where there is no separation of powers, which give protection and shelter to shelter terrorist organizations and drug traffickers, a country that is forging ties with countries that sponsor terrorism. It is a country outside the national and international laws, is a country that introduced a dictatorship with a façade of democracy that represents a potential danger to the peace of an entire continent.
While the international community and international organizations as they care most affected relations with the neighbors if they act against a regime totalitarian democracy destroys a country, as they endeavor to look to the opposite side of where a country that flagrantly violate human rights of its citizens, if the precepts and principles which should govern its proceedings before so arbitrary, rape and disrespect become a dead letter written only by idealism and romanticism to be applied to convenience, then the world every day is a more insecure place where citizens of many countries live under and humiliated by power-hungry dictators acting under the complicity of those who failed to exercise its responsibilities.
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