- Antonio Semprun -
Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira
The most recent demonstration of irrationality and ignorance of Venezuelan dictator left to see on Wednesday when the national chain after hearing complaints that a group of people who were present at the ceremony expressed their dissatisfaction with the Provincial Bank for having denied a mortgage, was thereupon call the president of BBVA Banco Provincial and front of the cameras on national television threatened to take possession of the bank.
The dictator left to see his infinite arrogance and a display of power when he told the president of the bank''Pay attention to these people, if you do not have time or can not, then tell me how much it is worth bank. I, I buy the bank.'' His delusion for power makes him forget that it is an official for the state and not the state and what it represents is at your service. Making unwise decisions that are not as paramount interest of the collective needs because in Venezuela for twelve years conjugated only in person. Hand me the bank. I what I can expropriate. I'll buy it. I have no problem'', as it owned winery that poorly managed and decide on money for Venezuelans.
The spontaneous neighborhood bully's bravado does not allow you to analyze that the nationalization of BBVA Provincial whose market share is 12 percent and its share capital owned by 40 percent to English BBVA, locates as the third of the country and the second private equity so irresponsible comment that would cost the already depressed national budget an expenditure of $ 1,200 million. Provincial Bank is an entity bank with more than fifty years of experience that has provided loans to their own resources to Venezuelan families were able to get their homes, not exactly role of banking institutions, solving the housing needs of the population
as usual wants to delegate to others the responsibility that has produced the monumental ineptitude and inability of the regime not to give access to housing for the Venezuelan population that is currently undergoing a severe housing crisis. Such statements made on national television, far from contributing to a solution used to discourage and scare off investment in the country. The dictator wants using terrorism as a form of government,''because terrorism is the violent form of political struggle that seeks to destroy the established order or cause terror in a population with a specific purpose,''is that in order that seeks to create confusion and terror in the population.
Venezuela has lived for the last twelve years, the worst nightmare of contemporary life, the false prophet to consent and irresponsibly maneuvered to impoverish the country to put you in misery, to make Venezuelans dependent his outlaw regime, hundreds of Venezuelans today are part of the statistics of illegal immigrants in different countries of the world fleeing from its policy of insecurity, persecution and terror.
The stateless handed the country to foreign governments, committed to the future generations of Venezuelans, to negotiate the nature reserves of the country, given Russian capitalism to land in Venezuela to establish joint ventures that will manage more than half of the banana plantations in Venezuela, with the sole purpose of staying in power.
the Venezuelan people has played live with the enemy, an enemy that believes Goliath mocked, disrespected and humiliated by a David who insists to know they have the strength to shed the yoke imposed on it for twelve years.
Arab world's peoples have decided to end the hegemony of the dictators have taken to the streets of Egypt and Tunisia to enforce their rights as free individuals are free to choose their own destinies, are becoming more examples that give us the peoples oppressed by tyrants who make it known to the world with their actions and decisions that an individual can not become master of the lives and dreams of the citizens of a country.
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