Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira
The oceanic ignorance, irresponsibility manifested Venezuelan Dictator him to ignore the responsibility of Venezuela as a country in the comity of nations with which it has signed international agreements. The international environment can not be operated as a grocery store in town and has so far managed the Venezuelan state institutions. Venezuela is part of the World Trade Organization which makes it susceptible to international demands for breach of contracts or implementation of illegal actions that affect the interests of member countries of the organization.
The World Bank's international court, ruled in favor of the expropriation of Cemex cement plants in Venezuela. In 2008 the FAN took control of three of Cemex cement plants (And other assets of the Mexican company) derived from a decree of expropriation as well as the Mexican also affected the two largest cement companies in the world: France's Lafarge and Switzerland's Holcim. Cemex seeks to dispute that return control of the company expropriated or payment for the expropriated assets, updated amount from the takeover to date with a total clearance rate of at least Libor (in 2008, some Mexican analysts estimated that the assets of Cemex in Venezuela were worth 1.400 million dollars). In addition, Venezuela will pay all costs associated with arbitration, including legal fees Cemex Caracas, experts' costs, administrative fees, fees and expenses of the arbitral tribunal.
Also Official Plaza Altamira
The oceanic ignorance, irresponsibility manifested Venezuelan Dictator him to ignore the responsibility of Venezuela as a country in the comity of nations with which it has signed international agreements. The international environment can not be operated as a grocery store in town and has so far managed the Venezuelan state institutions. Venezuela is part of the World Trade Organization which makes it susceptible to international demands for breach of contracts or implementation of illegal actions that affect the interests of member countries of the organization.
The World Bank's international court, ruled in favor of the expropriation of Cemex cement plants in Venezuela. In 2008 the FAN took control of three of Cemex cement plants (And other assets of the Mexican company) derived from a decree of expropriation as well as the Mexican also affected the two largest cement companies in the world: France's Lafarge and Switzerland's Holcim. Cemex seeks to dispute that return control of the company expropriated or payment for the expropriated assets, updated amount from the takeover to date with a total clearance rate of at least Libor (in 2008, some Mexican analysts estimated that the assets of Cemex in Venezuela were worth 1.400 million dollars). In addition, Venezuela will pay all costs associated with arbitration, including legal fees Cemex Caracas, experts' costs, administrative fees, fees and expenses of the arbitral tribunal.
Venezuela lost the lawsuit filed against him by some investors who had refused the scheme since 2005, to pay bond debt Bandagro therefore must pay eight billion dollars in Failure to do so, Venezuela will face confiscation of their property in U.S. territory. The Venezuelan dictator and his regime refused to make payment of the bonds, despite the certification and assurances from the Venezuelan treasury and as the money is not THE, invested over 40 million dollars, hired five law firms that have been fighting in U.S. courts over the past four years. The investor group's lawyer, David Richards, expects a formal order in the next few weeks to initiate asset forfeiture actions of Venezuela in the U.S. Including the Citgo gasoline stations, three refineries in the Gulf Coast and a fleet of tankers docked in Houston.
Venezuelan dictator bleeds Venezuela, has mortgaged irresponsibly while the countries of the region ended 2010 with inflation rates below 10%. Venezuela closes with an inflation rate of 29% and like nothing is happening in the country because of their ignorance and ineptitude, responsible for this inflation Fedecámaras, forget the stateless person is not Fedecámaras who has taken over all branches in the country. Lieutenant Colonel
has destroyed the country, has becoming a graveyard of companies in a graveyard of talent has led companies to have to move to other places where they are offered fiscal security, has made brilliant Venezuelan migrate to other countries in search of future. Runs the country like a drunk behind the wheel of a vehicle traveling at full speed, the result of this irresponsible action will crash into an embankment where the vehicle is destroyed, that vehicle is Venezuela. The decisions taken at international level against Venezuela by the actions of an inept negotiator will affect him or his regime dramatically affect the future of the country, the sovereign be not free us from responsibility. The blame for this tragic situation will not only be of a blind drunk with power, but of those who gave the club the servile members of the defunct National Assembly. Recently
student dictator president of Bolivia was forced to rescind a decree that increased the price of fuel up to 82% after the wave of protests and the threat of protests across the country. Recently, another member of the clan also was forced to rescind the increase of Value Added Tax (VAT), the same as one day before in his Sunday said he did not know how many points would increase. Decided not to implement the application of the Universities Act which eliminated the autonomy of them. These setbacks are due only to the specific action of people not allowed to violate his rights - MORE PROOF OF THE POWER OF CITIZENS TO DECIDE WHEN THE RESPECT, LET SEE THESE THINGS COWARDICE FIBER OF DICTATORS BY THE FEAR OF LOSING THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES THE BRAVE,''THE PODER''.
The recipe is clear and EFFECTIVE is repeated again and again. It is up to the officers of the Unit (MUD) using the appropriate eye drops to combat myopia of history that will not let them see the road, driving back dictators whenever they wish to impose a measure affecting that interest people are determined to defend. In this case the interest VENEZUELA SUBLIME, the Venezuelan people should not be afraid to bring it as a coup, stateless, skinny or if his action pitiyanqui decide to remove a cancer that is killing us.
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