girlfriend, Charly García Charly García Mecha Iñigo open the wooden door of the apartment in the Palacio de los Patos, in the living Charly Garcia (59), in barrio de Palermo, como si fuera su casa. Mientras él mira la tele en el otro cuarto, ella ofrece algo para tomar, prepara café, se fuma un cigarrillo y se acomoda en la mesa del comedor diario para charlar.
Mercedes, la novia de Charly. Habla de lo caras que son las expensas y de la voluntad que tienen desde hace tiempo de mudarse a un lugar más lindo (ahora alquilan y los muebles son de la dueña). Recién entonces aclara: “Pero yo no vivo acá”. Ella vive con su familia en Palermo, pero del otro lado de Córdoba. Todavía no quiere mudarse sola. Tiene 23 años, dos hermanos y trabaja en el área de scouting Civilian Management, a modeling agency that grew most in recent years. Your task is to discover new talents at parties, concerts, on the street or in those places where the people are with wave, to propose starting a career in modeling. Mercedes and Charly
known only four years ago, but there were many things that happened in that time: was with Charly García in the most difficult, even in the apartment on Colonel Diaz when he was taken by ambulance to intern, but was also part of his rehabilitation process, which culminated in a series of shows offered this year (he last made in Cosquín). And that was precisely why they met: Charly needed a girl for their shows, and she went to what he believed was a casting. At that time, but was only 18 years, Mecha and worked as a model, waitress was Kim Novak, a landmark bar in the nightlife of the time, was a VJ for MTV, and participated in several rock videos (including Babasónicos them). Their link with the music, met one of the great icons of local rock.
- Charly How did you meet?
"One day I said he was looking for a girl to his shows and I was scared to death, because I had no idea, but I was also in nerve. And when I said, "You must do this and this." I thought it was a casting and through the door was already selected. The idea was to make a character of a woman with a veil that was writing in a clear acrylic wall phrases the issues as they Charly played, and eventually covered the entire wall of words. - There already were together? -No. So I was constantly with him, but because I wanted to do the job. The list of topics shows and things change all the time so I stuck with it for no wrong. Then came the character of the Taliban. -Charly was going through a pretty complicated. What was the relationship between you?
"Everything was intense. I was there, but as one more. It hurt a lot when they took him home, was very sad. And then our relationship was suspended, but I knew we were going to keep watching - When they met? -was a long time, it was a year later. I started going to see him until the doctors decided who were the people who did well. And I started going to the fifth of Luján every so often.
- How were these meetings?
-Re tranquis, spent the day in an amazing place. He would be doing well there, and me too. People treated us great. There was good food. Everything was great. So good energy is generated. At that time I worked. I got up at six, I took a remis, because they were like two hours away, and arrived at eight. At first I was not given ... and then yes, Palito told me: "Stay and have lunch together tomorrow." Or slept there on weekends. And I got used.
- suffered during that time or not so? -had its difficult moments but the truth is that everything he did, because he was the worse happened. It was a drastic life change, and had to relearn everything. Ours was an effort, of course. I do not know how you have lived, but the ultimate sacrifice did Charly. Also, I was surrounded by new people: Palito, some of the musicians, I, so he had to adapt.
- Have you ever felt you ever waned or was moving?
"I was going forward, from the years ... The doctors told us:" Wow, what good is "or" what strength he has. " And you saw him quiet, that was all I had to do. Was growing until he could play. That's what everyone is asking: "What? Will he return to play? Will win, no? ". That's what I always wanted. And put everything in order to play again. I knew all that effort was for nothing. Beyond his health, he wants to play. He did, and that's great. - Do you feel a little responsible for his recovery?
I do not know, would have to say it. There was a group that was very close. Stick Together with others and form a structure around and already knew that it helped him, he did well. It was as if he thought: "With these people going forward." And all hell broke a circle that he already has very deep. But Charly is the most important in this process because it put the batteries, and as much as one would say, "Do, do," he is doing or not doing. And luckily always done. - You suggested things or were covered as a company?
"No, I was always a side wave," I care, take care. " The made the decisions. - Have you ever had someone vincularte bias larger? And your old, is the bank?
"They said nothing, because they lived the whole process from the time I went to see him Luján and were very attentive to your recovery. From time to time we do dinner or lunch at the camp my dad. We spent New Year and Christmas together. We see it every weekend but when it happens, is good. - Do you have family relationship with him? "No, I have little relationship. Not bad vibes, but it did not happen.
- But what you say as a couple or as a partner? "Both. I know it's a person who will be with me forever.
-Sos very young, did you think about it that even in the possibility that other couples have?
"I really do not think about that now. I feel there will always be present. I get that feeling.
- Is it love? "Yes, love. It is companionship, admiration and much more. I love being with him and try to be well the two. It's like love in general, in all its facets.
- Did you ever feel jealous because he is always surrounded by girls? - [Laughs.] Yes, that's an issue because I am so jealous. Very. Jealous of all, my friends, my brother, I'm jealous of everything. And I'm a Scorpio. It's hard with him, though I trust. It is not going to be with anyone. I'm very confident he is with me, but just do not know. There are always some jealousy that is engineering, but I handle it pretty well. You know how it is. I respect a lot and know I suffer. So try not to give me reasons.
- did you ever jealous of the music? "No, because I know he loves her. And that's what makes it totally happy. I accept it fully, because it is their life, and me against that would be me against his happiness, I know ... their essence.
- Do you feel a muse? "No, not really. That is the typical sentence, but he has already done all it is your head. I feel it has helped because when I met him he had already done all that had to do.
- Does it bother you when they speak and think of you in the media? "Yes, in principle, yes. After that I got used. The first note came out was tremendous. It hit me that a person who did not know me know much about me and speak as if he knew me.
"After what they went through together, what is your experience with the night and excesses? "I do not choose to condemn me but who wants to. In fact when I worked at Kim & Novak everyone was surprised that I was outside that world.
- What is it that Charlie liked most about you? "I think he met someone who wants it, who supports him, calms him down and that's what you like about me. He knows I care a lot. And all I do is for him to be fine. The union is based a bit on that: each one knows that the other will be for what you need. We listen. It strengthens the link. We are for each other.
-four years were a lot of intensity, what was the strongest moment? "Everything was very intense. There was good and bad things, but here we are. Yet. I remember the first show in Chile and I get excited, I began to mourn because he could not believe he was there. Suddenly I saw him on stage, super well, and I re excited. But more than anything because that is what he most enjoyed and was a key moment, because I always thought: "Will play again?". See you there, how difrutar and how people lived was very strong.
- How would you describe your relationship with Charlie? "It's a link about energy. Feel that destiny takes you. I do not say that we are one, but it's part of me and I'm part of it.
Source: AIM Digital
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