dictatorships when they get leave to see the filth in which were sustained.
- Antonio Semprun -
Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira.
Dictator Libyan forty-two years has held down in a brutal way his people see as inevitably arrives when they most fear these satraps, the expiration of the patent to be granted self to oppress the people. Despite the impending reality is maintained in the power of irrational slaughtering a population tired of the abuse and disrespect of the tyrant, his defense has left his Venezuelan counterpart, who proposed that a committee of the ALBA countries go to Libya to help resolve the conflict in that country.
- Antonio Semprun -
Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira.
Dictator Libyan forty-two years has held down in a brutal way his people see as inevitably arrives when they most fear these satraps, the expiration of the patent to be granted self to oppress the people. Despite the impending reality is maintained in the power of irrational slaughtering a population tired of the abuse and disrespect of the tyrant, his defense has left his Venezuelan counterpart, who proposed that a committee of the ALBA countries go to Libya to help resolve the conflict in that country.
said that in the North African nation are living "a civil war, looking for oil at the expense of blood innocent. "It's a lesson well learned that outlines the dictators when they feel threatened, looking for a culprit who bear the blame, as they stand as saviors of their people when in fact attempting to save his stay in power.
Muammar Gadaffi
ordered to bomb civilians, their sole purpose is to continue tarnishing the Libyan people, ordered the use of force to discourage irrational for citizens to fight for their rights and freedoms. The same action took the Venezuelan dictator on 11 April 2002, when the people in a demonstration of civility in a peaceful mass march for their rights and the host Miraflores ordered the Armed Forces to implement the Plan Avila, then the wisdom and sanity of those who must run prevented a slaughter against the people by ignoring the order.
Dictators like driving offenders secret codes to enable them to help each other, do business, is looking over your shoulder, lack of morality of these individuals makes character props because his egotism makes them look victorious mediators and to liberators when bishops are actually in a game of chess to the people's time and even at the expense of a very high price given Checkmate.
These secret codes Venezuelan dictator forced to stand up for his brother pretending Libyan plug a midday sun with the little finger when he said''I do not know that Gaddafi is a murderer,''the dictators will never bear the Clearly what they have before their eyes, they hide their dictatorships behind revolutions, as it has done with its supposed Gadaffi green revolution and the Venezuelan dictator has made its revolution red, red, the end is the same impoverished countries while themselves and their families are made billionaires live like kings and enjoy privileges that are unattainable for a Venezuelan walk.
A Gadaffi have frozen bank accounts in Austria, Germany, London, Switzerland, United States billions of dollars, euros and pounds sterling product of the revolution headed where the people must sacrifice for the revolution and survive each day. Dictators must watch their backs to each other to stay in power because once their dictatorships collapsing icebergs emerge as the rot that hid their faces and accomplices who supported them.
After the genocide committed against his people, Gadaffi has two options, a permanent visit to Ala or change their quirky silk dress uniform to be used as a result of the verdict of the International Criminal Court The Hague, the dictator of Sabaneta beards should be put to soak, because history does not record any dictator who committed aberrations after the power has enjoyed respect, credibility, peace or freedom.
Venezuelan dictator was quick to propose the creation of a committee of the ALBA nations would go to Libya to mediate in the conflict that has engulfed Gadaffi in Libya, an initiative that Said rejected Islam Gadaffi Gadaffi's son on which said "Venezuelans are our friends, we respect and we like but they are far and have no idea." "Libya is in the Middle East and North Africa and Venezuela in America America. Thanks, I appreciate they are our friends, is a nice gesture, but we can solve our problems. "
While these actions are managed to help a people who are in the Middle East and North Africa, the Venezuelan dictator becomes light on the street and darkness of his country. Do not allow entry of an official commission of the OAS in Venezuela to verify the violation of human rights and the existence of political prisoners who fears the scheme if there are no violations.
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