- Antonio Semprun -
Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira
The reaction of the Arab peoples Tunisia and Egypt is the result of years of abuse, disrespect and ridicule by those who came to power and seek to tighten its grip on . The strong popular reaction is not unprecedented when it comes to assert the rights and seek freedom.
History is full of these facts, you just have to walk through it to find examples of the result is achieved when the people together to end oppression and achieve libertad.Esa good story could be told by Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca in the Rebellion of the Communards in Paraguay, by Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines by Slobo Milosevic in Yugoslavia, by Louis XVI when Making de la Bastille, by Marcos Perez Jimenez in Venezuela and recently by Jean Bertrand Aristide in Haiti or Ben Ali in Tunis. Dictators who fled, died or are imprisoned by the reaction of a people tired of the humiliation and ridicule.
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak came to power thirty years ago and imposed strict control to the Egyptian people who had to pay a very high in their fight for freedom. The Egyptians understood that''freedom is not begging,''not ordered as a gift to those who consider themselves masters of the destinies of nations, tyrants talk about social justice, the Egyptian people subsisted on a salary of 2 dollars while the fortunes of the oppressed who has over $ 40,000 million.
That is how''fair''to provide justice for dictators who demand the people give their all for what they call revolution while they ignore the hunger, the scarcity and limitations because they live in opulence. Power is a narcotic that corrodes once that ride the want to stay at any cost. Dictatorships subject peoples by force using for that purpose to the military.
Egyptian armed forces decided not to shoot the people that are on the streets fighting to rescue an inalienable right, the right to be free. The story goes that during the events where people have dared to go in defense of democracy and the rights of citizens, members of the armed forces have refused to attack people because they understand that they are not the enemy .
Arab peoples of Tunisia and Egypt decided not to negotiate their freedom, were determined to go out and stay there until it is lowered the standard of the dictatorship. Probably in the constitutions of these countries do not have an article 350. ''The people of Venezuela, true to their republican tradition and their struggle for independence, peace and freedom, shall disown any regime, legislation or authority that violates the values, principles and democratic guarantees or encroaches upon human rights'' .
There is no doubt that these people are being faithful to the tradition of the individual to be free, are fighting for their independence, their peace and freedom, did not recognize the regime that was contrary to its principles and values \u200b\u200bundermined their human rights, Painful end of the day, the people of Egypt will be free and Tahrir Square go down in history as witnessed elsewhere moved from the resolute actions of a people to overthrow a dictador.Hay a fine line between abuse and freedom and passage to be given to cross is the determination to end the abuse.
In Venezuela, for twelve years a false prophet abuses of the Venezuelan people and intends to continue in power for six years. Today the Republic's ills are the fault of the past. His monumental arrogance will not let him see that twelve years are past and therefore the sole responsibility of misfortune, misery and backwardness of Venezuela today is none other than the individual who misgoverns to satisfy their frustrations who planted in an olive green uniform which reveal military ranks than ever was able to achieve. Venezuela is involved in outright corruption, an overwhelming misery, in a terrible insecurity that left dozens of people every weekend.
In Venezuela has established a dictatorship with thin democratic framework has enabled the dictator commander rig the elections, eliminating the independence of powers, made a fortune undue and maintain a repressive regime that bases its precarious survival in control exercises over state powers.
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