Sunday, February 20, 2011

Poster Templates- A3 Size Ppt

PRESS Freedom hope

A freedom of a country is not able to bars while there are dreams of youth
- Antonio Semprun-

Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira

The offensive statements ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS), Roy Chaderton, is disrespectful to the students' right to manifest a disrespect the people of Venezuela. THE Nicolas Maduro rejected the State Department statement which urges Venezuela to allow the visit of an official commission of the OAS to the country taking into account the hunger strike that perform more than 60 young people in nine states, lays bare the cut down democratic''regime''. If Venezuela does not violate human rights, if there are no political prisoners because they refused entry to an official commission of the agency to verify this?

If Venezuela is in a political process more democratic level of public debate where the issues of Venezuelans are ours and we must discuss them, "as Foreign Minister stressed, then they should allow the country's authorities to verify what their personeros described as lies.
Twenty days on hunger strike protest sixty-nine young people in nine states in the country is not a minor event. This group of brave young are not fighting for a close relative who want to rescue the highest level''of democracy and public debate''which boasts the flamboyant Venezuelan Foreign Minister are doing it for Venezuelan citizens who have violated their fundamental rights.

''should be the adults that we are here and these young people''said the mother of Gabriel Bastidas a student strike. You're right because they touch every day dictatorships more doors of homes in which its members think''that's not us, no political prisoners is my family.'' While those who are now fifty-two percent, the vast majority remain indifferent to the increasingly active actions of the regime, the future and the rights of Venezuelans are increasingly uncertain.

The dangerous problem of Venezuela is not only valuable boys who are now on hunger strike waged a zombie who called odds and far-right, the problem is everyone who lives in the same country, which a dictator wants to stay in the absolute power to destroy the Constitution and the law, a dictator who has placed a transparent cloak of democracy to rape, trampling and disrespect to the Venezuelans and their constitutional rights.

The only in Venezuela seem to have made a commitment to regain our freedom are the heirs of José Félix Rivas. This more recent examples shown and nothing and no one stops for a people who are joined in the fight for their rights will be respected and allowed to choose their future. Union is the magic word, is the formula that has given victory to the oppressed by tyranny. To understand urchins during the Ice Age that would die if not joined frozen despite the thorns and these could cause injury and wisely decided to stay together allowing them to survive.

The closest mirror in which we can look to understand the strength of a united people is Egypt. There is no Egyptian died of hunger in the eighteen days of protests that ended with thirty-three years of dictatorship, was killed by the actions of those who wished to remain in power. International organizations to which both are concerned about the opinion of neighbors when it comes to intervening to stop curb abuses of a regime for the rights of its citizens, listened in silence the cry of freedom of the Egyptian people because even though it was a democratically elected government,''''no one opposed his overthrow.

Today in Venezuela there are two elements that define the destiny of the nation, there exists a tyrant and a people, both with a view''decision.'' The first is determined to remain indefinitely in power at the cost of any action allowed to continue violating the rights of a people. The second is determined to fight for respect for your rights, the majority who only need to take a definitive step DECIDE be''free''and that they have available and turned on the powerful engine of a youth that is struggling so far without adults are at your side unconditionally.

In the demonstrations by the people's struggle for emancipation and oclocráticos kleptocratic regimes was not necessary the presence of a leader visible because the protagonist has always been the people.


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