Sunday, April 24, 2011

Last Post Date Australia

Escusa Act as adequate

When laws serve to justify decisions under these coins become barter. - Antonio Semprun -

Col. (GN) Antonio Semprun
Official Plaza Altamira

There are decisions that become heavy shadows even when taken in good faith. The President's decision Colombian Juan Manuel Santos to give the extradition to Venezuela Walid Makled could represent a huge political cost in personnel and a fatal mistake for the public health of citizens and the feeling of tranquility that can be felt when you live away the consequences left by the terrorist attacks, this decision affects not only the two brotherly countries affects the peace of a continent.

In everyday life time must elapse and avatars should be submitted to feel that someone is the best friend, not so in politics, where self-interest and the interest of the state makes two individuals are called best friends , when only months ago were enemies, Santos offered in exchange for Venezuelan dictator has shown Makled when personal ambition far exceeds its nationalism.

With its decision the President Santos, bury the valuable information that has Makled on drug trafficking routes exist in Venezuela, the Venezuelan dictatorship connections with senior leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and buried the complaints of its predecessor to the Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS ) on the presence of camps and members of the narco guerrilla group FARC in Venezuela could also weigh on his conscience the physical disappearance of the drug dealer to send to a country where justice is blind. Oddly

President Santos has become a defender of Venezuelan dictator, as the president''in Venezuela and New Granada no camps the FARC, and if Chavez is unknown,''disservice makes this defense. How can this''President''unaware that the territory of their country serves as a shelter for terrorist groups and narco-guerrillas.

Santos, argues that Colombia is a country of laws and that no discussion but to argue that the law obliges it to send to Venezuela Makled question is how and when politicians follow the law because the first of March 2008 as Minister of Defense of Colombia in Operation Phoenix in the participation of the army and the Colombian police bombed a rebel camp in Ecuadorian territory.

requires no the law not to attack a territory extranjero.El new best friend of the President of Colombia is a volatile subject, bitter, drunk with power with the characteristics of the scorpion, who believes that''the Cuban model has not failed or will fail''is a individual who has proven to be the antithesis of an alchemist.


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