Saturday, April 30, 2011

Where Can I Get A Manzilian Wax?

The child who was not smiling

Lucas was
a child who was very mess especially at school. His parents worked hard, they were raising money to buy a nice house. Lucas's class had a student named Hugo, a good child was friends with everyone. Once, Lucas arrived at school and began to bother Hugo then sad.

Upon arriving home, Hugo was for his father what had happened. In the other morning, Hugo and his friends received notes of a test. Hugo was very happy when I saw that had recovered all questions correctly and had stayed with the best note. But Lucas did not go well as his friend and ended up staying with the worst note.

"Children know what happened? Hugo was happy with what happened with Lucas and went happily to school. When I get in each, the child was his father what had happened to Lucas.

Hugo's dad then explained to the child who was acting wrongly, as Lucas was a school friend and I had the same criticism he should not treat you badly, as in the Word of God is written the person should not rejoice when others are harmed. And Hugo said,

- Dad, what should I do?

- My son, you must ask God for help.

Lucas, from time to when they behave the wrong way they do not know Jesus, "said the father of Hugo.

After that conversation, the boy realized he was acting wrongly and decided to apologize to the friend and invite him to participate in the EBI. Lucas likes to participate in class and hear the story of the teacher had said. He understood that to be blessed and happy, should love and obey their parents, while respecting people.


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