When sounds the words make the peace of men in distress is imperative to silence.
-Antonio Semprun-Col. (GN) Official Semprun Antonio Plaza Altamira's official decision Walid Makled to be extradited to Venezuela now converted into the lair of the Venezuelan dictator and his group of friends so you should start packing their few belongings you have in your safe accommodations in a maximum security prison in neighboring Colombia.
The arrival of former administrator of the largest port in Venezuela, a Venezuelan airline emblematic pattern of at least forty senior official of HAB is not anxiety and joy that occurs the arrival of a loved one, however the arrival of Walid Makled the country represents an unhealthy concern for many individuals from the very red and revolution the regime itself. Extradited asked to appear before the Venezuelan Parliament to present evidence of the accusations made against the regime of dictator''generous.'' And some say it's hard to believe the word of a criminal or a drug dealer but as doubting the word of an individual even when away from the right side of the law has in its possession documents signed, copies of checks issued and videos that show and hear the conversations presence and their employees who were visitors today turned into torturers.
The Venezuelan dictator's pleas were heard by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, known neogranadino the most seasoned politician that compliance with a judicial proceeding, rather than honoring his word that he has delivered to Venezuela is a time bomb in the person of Walid Makled who tunes his throat to make his debut in a scenario where you have all reservations sold. Many people want to hear him speak as are many who would prefer not to. Before the king of kings of bosses leave Colombia, the country's government will allow U.S. authorities to question him. The U.S. government asked to be guaranteed a fair trial Walid Makeda, a difficult request to fulfill in a country where insecurity is used as political weapon the expected visitor represents a 9.0 earthquake to the Venezuelan dictatorship. Diehl, editor of the Washington Post described as''dirty deal''the agreement reached by the Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos said that Chavez and Makled, a socialist named successor to Fidel Castro reborn as the heir of Manuel Noriega, leader not a revolution but a narco state. Some decisions that seem to represent in reality political victories in the background become significant losses for peace and democratic stability of nations. Who won, who lost to Walid Makled extradition to Venezuela? The arguments that tipped the balance for Makled was extradited to the country they had to flee for his life leaving a movie of interest, missed opportunities and even complicity. Colombia gives precedence to the interest in business among the states that while important to its decision does not allow evidence that may have the relevant witness let see the nexus of complicity, protection and financing of the Venezuelan regime narco-guerrilla group FARC, which massacred his people, who also maintains links with terrorist groups that live in Venezuela, the United States with his tepid action allows the responsible for shipping tons of cocaine poisoning the youth of America into the territory of the dictator who preaches and exports more on anti-imperialist sentiment in Latin America and Venezuela get to someone who had revealed hard evidence the dark world of crime, drug trafficking and terrorism, which protects the regime of Venezuelan dictator.
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